Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I found out yesterday that if you were following my blog (and I am ever so grateful if you are!!!) that you haven't seen an update in your reader since Easter. I think I must have totally messed something up in my feeds stuff when I added the subscribe by email widget. Mainly because I have no idea what I am doing here. However, I found the greatest site ever THE BLOG DOCTOR
Treated the problem and I am a happy patient. If you have problems or questions with your blog skip blogger help (no help at all in my opinion) and go right over to see the doctor. So, if you haven't visited my site in a while because you thought I didn't have anything new, boy do you have a surprise and hopefully you will take a few to check over some of the stuff you missed and I see that there aren't any pics in the updates so I will try to fix that as well. So so sorry! I will get the hang of this stuff some day.

1 comment:

  1. I had your blog marked in my reader and have been following along for several months. Today I kept looking at your posts in Reader and wondering why they looked so familiar!!
