This is a little snippet of one of the newbies. Just leave a comment and try to guess who/what it might be and you could win it. Don't worry about being correct because the winner will be selected by random.org from all the comments. I will have the full reveal on Monday so be sure to check back to see if you won. Check out the other design team's blogs as well for more a little more teasing and more chances to win!
Also, please help me welcome our TWO NEW FARMERS, Cindy Haffner and Kadie Ensley! Cindy and Kadie are both former Gardeners and when TGF had some spots open up, we were happy to welcome them!
Here is the blog list, make sure you visit them all and when you are done, head on back to The Greeting Farm Blog and leave a final comment for an extra special prize!
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to LEAVE A COMMENT here before Sunday night at 11:59 PM CST and you'll be entered to WIN.....well you will have to wait till Monday to see!
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Oh Kim! Darn it, I was first in a couple of these guess it games, which is so not happening with the random generator!! Regardless, I just had to come by and take a guess - he looks like a cutie whoever he is! I absolutely love his distressed jeans, I am guessing he is a new Sprout? I was trying to see if maybe he was a new Ian as we are due for one...I can't wait to see what Monday has in store for us!
He totally looks like a new Sprout! Almost like an Edward!
hmmm i am going to guess ian up to SOMEthing...
I'm thinking he looks a bit tall to be a Sprout, look more like the height of the Miss Anya's, so a Master Ian set would be so cool.
Hop Hop Hop
Have a great day all
I think it is Ian... ;)
I am loving all these little teases,
I would say this is Ian,
The tease is still on............ can't wait to see the big release.
It looks like the new hugh but definately a boy. thanks for the sneek.
It is a little Wild Sprout Hugh boy! I remember Marie showed a sneak peek one day on her blog, maybe I am mistaken...
Can't wait to see the whole card!!!
Another boy!!! maybe a Mr. Ian!!!! so excited!
A new boy to the family?
Looks like it could be a teen Ian.
Hey Kim, looking forward to the new release. M y guess is some teenage boys are coming our way.
You gals are killing me (in a good way of course, LOL!) It's definity a boy.
My first thought was it might be Hugh from the sneak peek the other day, but also maybe a more grown up/teen Ian.
I was thinking the new sprout Hugh too.
Looks like a little boy.
I am thinking...hmm...a teen Ian...maybe like our Ms. Anyas???
Looks like Hugh the new sprout! :)
I agree with so many others who have already said that it looks like a new boy sprout- most likely Hugh :)
Although I know it isn't...I am hoping we see some Santa Ian and Anyas sooooon!
But whatever it is, I can't wait....
Thanks! Can't wait til Tuesday
Think it is new boy in the family! Hugs,moni
This one looks like Teen Edward to me. I can't wait to see it.
This must be another friend of Edwards or it might be Hugh but I don't think so.
Is that a MR. Ian!!?! Ohh my goodness! I can't wait to find out!
Sorry last posting made no sense :(
Is it a teen male simular to the Anya sets??
I am guessing a new boy to the sprout line.
This must be Hugh.
Oh i do love surprises is it an ian cowboy thanks for the sneak preview though how exciting.
tracy x
Teen Ian to go w/the Miss Anyas?
This must be a wild Sprout!
I think it's an Mr. Ian set (like the Miss Anyas). Woo Hoo! I can't wait to see! Thanks!
I think it's a friend for Edward....
A new, older Ian?
I see me a boy, I guessing an Ian.
Awww, that's Hugh! Lil Edward's friend ;)
I cannot wait to add him to my collection!!!
TFS :*)
Is it Jacob? Can't wait to find out!
Cute tease... now I just have to wait!
With the fall coloring and the jeans, I am thinking it could be a little kid ready for Halloween?
Becky T
wauw this looks like a skater ian to me
a boy of some type ... maybe Ian
OMGosh! This is so much fun. I'm guessing that this has to be a farmer boy of some sort. Maybe a school boy, farmer boy, or just one hip kind of guy. Thanks for a chance.
OOoh I think this looks like a companion for Miss Anya, a Mister Ian maybe? Either way very cute!!
I am thinking it is a new Sprout, they are my favorites!
I am going to say that this is an older Ian.
I am thinking this is a boy to go with Miss Anya?!?! Can't wait for the full reveal.
Looks like a casual Edward...
Looks like a new Sprout...Could this be Emmett or Jasper?
Oh let it be another Edward, if I were an Anya I would be following his ink trail! BR-T
This looks like Hugh ! SOO cute - I love the WS series!
Maybe a grown up Ian? Or a new Wild Sprout.
I like your clue though -- looks like some great stuff coming our way on Tuesday!
I'm new to these stamps! but its definitely a little boy or girl :) Going to have to buy some of these...your blogs are wonderful! still hoppin'
My guess is a new WS teenage boy.
A shy Ian.
abackman66 at hotmail dot com
It looks like an Ian-maybe a teenage boy or a cowboy?These are hard. Cannot wait to see the full reveal.
A grown up Ian maybe? Or a teenage Ian? I don't know! It's so hard with the little snipits we're getting!
I think it is going to be an Ian, possibly teenage or adult!
What a great sneak peak.
I think this looks a bit like a Wild Sprout. Maybe a new boy for to go with the girls?
Ohh fun! I'm thinking it's another boy to hang out with the Wild Sprouts too.
A new boy stamp I think, maybe another Wild Sprout? Hopefully another Edward, that would be fantastic!
Ohhhhhhh I have to say it's a little bit like the new Wild Sprout Hugh, BUT.... maybe he's a Mr. Ian for the Miss Anya's.... The suspense is killing me. Can't wait to see the rest of the card.
Lynda =)
I think he is a Mr. Ian. Boy oh boy!
I am thinking maybe a girl sprout to go with Edward???? maybe?
a new wild sprout!! the suspense is killing me!!
Hi! To me it looks like the new sprout Hugh! Edward's new friend!!!
oh yay!!! looks like a new male...would be great to have the equivilant of Miss Anya's but men...xx vicki xx
This is not easy! I am going to say a new wild sprout! I think these may be getting harder as I hop...lol
ooo, ooo! He has the same little under eye smudge as the other wild sprouts, so that's my guess. Can't wait to find out!
Happy Saturday!!! I'm going to guess it's a wild sprout boy with a halloween theme. Happy Saturday!!!!
Hi!!! It's Edwards New Friend, HUGH!!!!
looks to be a little guy, so maybe an Ian, he seems to be looking back over his shoulder, so maybe he is flirting or up to somehting..
Hi - I think we have a new boy on the farm, very casual!!
Hmmmm.....a new friend for Anya perhaps?
My guess it's a wild sprout girl whos a student or teacher...
I think this one is a new member of the WildSprouts, maybe another boy?
It's definately another Wild Sprout, it might even be another boy one... yeah!
Wildsprouts I think .. xxxx Marley
looks like a little guy hiding something...
I'm guessing that this image snippet is part of a new Ian. Maybe he's holding flowers behind his back for Anya!
I think its Hugh from the wild sprouts. I'm so excited to see!
I think this is a new Ian...maybe a "friend" for the MIss Anya collection?
I'm guess a new Ian. Can't wait to find out.
I'm guessing it's a new "teen" Ian or Anya?
Hmmm, this looks like a teen Ian maybe?? Can't wait to see all the reveals!
I am thinking it is another friend of Edward, maybe. ummmm dont really know.
maybe a teenage Ian? whatever it is it will be a must-have!
The side of one of the boys.
It must be a boy...maybe a school boy? Can't wait to see!
Can it be a Mr. Ian?
I think it's Hugh and he's going on a hike. Those might be trees by his side.
I haven't read the comments... but I'm going with a Teenager Ian set!!!!
I think its one cool lad...maybe Edward or a grown up Ian?
I am thinking this is a girl, perhaps in the style of Gorjuss girls?
I am going to guess a new sprout! Can't wait till the reveal! :D
My guess is Wild Sprout Emmett! Edward's other brother!
This one looks like Edward up to something to me!
I'm guessing a new boy.
I'm guessing its a boy too!
It looks like a WS to me. Maybe its Hugh? Or another twilight inspired character? Jasper!!!!
I can't wait for the new release!
That looks like a teen boy going to school. :)
Love it!!! Your snippet turned out awesome and cant wait til monday to see your card!!!
What a fab prize! Ummm could it be a trendy Ian???
Trish (-:
Back to school Ian??? maybe
Hi Kim!!
This is definitely a guy but oh the possibilities are endless as to what guy!!
This sure is making me curious! I think that Ian may have a new brother????
I am going to guess this is a male partner to the Wild Sprouts.
Looks like another Ian.
I'm guessing that is part of Hugh!
looks like a grown up Ian!! COOL!
Maybe a male companion to Miss Anya, so a Mr Ian????
I think it's Hugh!
Teen boy? Maybe Hugh? Can't wait for the full reveal!
Oh wow what agreat hop and a fab giveaway
i think this is hugh
love tasha xx
How fun! I'm guessing Ian...love him...reminds me of my littlest kiddo! Can't wait for Monday!
Maybe a new Hope & Grace stamp? "She" stands like the other H&G stamps.
I think it's a boy, maybe another wild sprout. Can't wait to see!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
xx Naoual
Hummm....looks like they might have a backpack on or something? Can't wait to see =)
I think this is a boy, is it a Ian? I'm really excited to see! :)
I think it's a teen Ian. I'm can't wait.
Jenny V.
I look good from behind Anya?
Schoolboy Ian?
is this the wild sprout boyfriend????
im thinking someone of the male variety too!
I think I am so bad at this!!
Well now I think maybe a new Bashful Greek God Ian, in undated clothes,icvstead of the Toga! LOL
Looks like a new Ian holding a surprise behind his back. I am so excited for the release!!
It looks like a teenage Ian? I can't wait to find out what it is.
This must be the new Wild Sprouts boy named Hugh!
A new boy? Ian, Edward or Hugh?
Love the jeans, so a new boy?
He's a wild sprout...not much more I can guess... =)
Hugs, SannaS
it looks like its either a wild sprouts boy...or maybe a teen ian?!?!?
hmm, maybe Ian?
teenage Ian??
I think it's the new Wild Sprout boy, Hugh? But I would love it if it was a Master Ian to go with the Miss Anyas! This is so fun - love all the sneak peeks and can't wait to see the whole picture! Hugs, Sem x
Looks like a cutie!
I think it's a new little boy to love and befriend the wonderful ladies. Can't wait to see the full reveal.
okay, maybe this one is the next Twilight boy?...Jacob perhaps?
I think it's a boy or teenager, maybe something to do with Autumn as well.
Ian being flirty?? Or a Tomboy Anya?
cool a boy :)
Looks Ian might have a brother? :)
wow, i'll have to say a little boy?
this one looks like a little boy in jeans and a t-shirt
a teen Ian ?
hugs W
I love this....Would it be back to school Anya? Can't wait till Monday now!! Lisa G
Hmmm...it looks like a tall Ian. I don't know, but I'm pretty excited! :D
I always love how you use color and I can tell that this card is going to be no exception! I can't wait to see the rest! Have a great weekend, Kim!
Hmm I am thinking it is an Ian like the Anyas!!
Cute ~ can't wait to see the rest!
OMGosh I'm having a great time with this! This is definitely a new sprout! MAybe a Jasper to go with Edward??? He looks like he may be wearing an ascot or tie or something... hm???
A new Ian or Sprout in jeans..maybe a farmer or western dress.
Hmmm... Could it be a male character stamp from the movie, Grease?
Is it Ian going to school?
Pam Brown
That looks like Ian, but more grown up, along the lines of a Miss Anya.
My guess would have to be a cute little boy. :)
That looks like Hugh to me...the newest "boy" to grace Edward with his friendship. LOL!
Maybe an "off to school boy"?
Hmm... maybe a "shy little guy" image?
You Cheeky Devils making it hard for us.
I now guessing it is a new HOpe and Grace boy called Liam perhaps, or John LOL
I think it is a little boy
Yikes, this one also looks like a new Wild Sprout... another Edward.
Well that has got to be a boy! Ian?
Looks like a boy!
Looks like a new Ian or a buddie for Eward...could it be another sprout??
Definitely a GUY! Looking forward to Monday! Thanks for the great sneaks!
I think this is a new Ian image. :o) Angela
Looks like a cute little boy... Can't wait to see the whole thing.
This is looking fun! I hope it's another Edwardy character.... mmmm!
I think it's a new character.. a boy maybe!
Back to school Ian
I'm guessing it's a little Mr. Ian or Master Ian, similar to the Miss Anya's.
hmmm...looks like another male sprout? perhaps edward's brother?
Ian in jeans. Can't wait to see!
Oh, I'm so bad at guessing games! I'm thinking... Back To School Ian? Or a new Wild Sprout boy?
School yard child.. male! No idea which male though
its hugh from the Wild Sprouts family
think its a teen theme male.......
It's a wild sprout boy!
I think it looks like a cute little man./boy.. :)
thanks for the chance to win
Maybe a back-to=school Ian?
I know it's got to be from the wild sprout line but is it another Edward or a friend of his????
A wild sprout boy...?
for sure its a boy. looks cute. love your blog.
I think it is Ian!
my guess is an older Ian. :)
Has to be an Ian, maybe big brother to Ian!
Good morning Kim and what a tease youu are!! can't wait for the new release of these beauties. Loving what i can see already but can wait to see it in its entirity. Great blog hop, hugs Linda x
My guess is Ian ^^
It looks like a boy because of the jeans but I am guessing its really a girl! A new sprout?
Good luck to the winner!
oh oh oh oh oh it sooo looks like a new boyfriend for miss anya to me .... fingers crossed xxxx
A new Ian stamp. Can't wait to see more.
New guy? Maybe a friend of Edwards?
A new sprout?
Okay it really looks like it's going to be a new friend for Edward, or possibly a new Ian set? It's defintely a boy with those cuter than ever jeans.
I love these snippets but I'n so darn curious now, can't wait to see the full reveal!
how sweet!!! Definitely looks like a new version of edward. Maybe a boyfriend to the Miss Anyas?
Looks like Ian is growing a bit... Could we be getting some teenage Ian's in the future?
Hugs and Blessings
it looks like someone's grown up!
Well I guess there is an Ian stamp coming out. He does look taller.
xoxo, Christine
I think this is Hugh the new wild sprout the was previewed the other day and he is just so cute I can't wait till he is up for grabs :D
This is so much fun!
Amy XX
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