Friday, August 3, 2012


I am sure you all have been biting your nails wondering where I have been, ahhahahaha. Since I am am visual person I will give you a picture story of what has been happening.
My daughter's prom/ prom dress.   We ordered a size 2, which fit in the store, but was too big when we got it.  I had to do major alterations on her dress. That involved removing a lot of bling (you should see the back!) and the zipper and putting it all back together. I wanted to take pics while I was doing it but I was too stressed out about doing it correctly as it has been about 20 years since I did an alteration of this magnitude.  I was scared to death when, after the alterations were complete, my daughter was trying it on in the back bedroom and yelled  "MOMMY!!!".  I thought oh no, it is screwed up. I went in the room and she said " it fits perfectly!" WHEW!!!

Next came graduation.
So bittersweet for me, but so happy for her.

 Then the graduation party. This is the picture board I made to display at her party.

We are now getting her prepared to go off to college......uh hu hu hyperventilating!
And during all that, I kept getting the blue screen of death on my laptop which made it a pain in the patooty to do any blogging. I just got a new one but I am having problems with this one as well so.....
And finally, I took a part time job at the natural history museum. I really don't have time for an extra job right now but it was an opportunity I felt I couldn't pass up considering my current full time job will be ending in February and have you seen college tuition bills?!!!!!

I haven't been doing much crafting except for a couple dt commitments which I will post soon.
Hopefully I will be doing some house stuff that I will post. We will see, thanks so much for hanging with me!


  1. I've been wondering where you've been. Now I see! Congrats to your daughter.

  2. So glad your absence is due to happy happenings. We've had lots happening so I haven't been around much. Your daughter is beautiful & her dress turned out splendid. Enjoy the rest of your summer.
