Thursday, October 18, 2012


Don't fall over since this is my third post in a row. I told ya I had been buzzzzy.  I saw THIS table cloth over at and thought it would make a great runner for my new sofa table. The table didn't end up behind the sofa as I had planned but I still call it a sofa table cause I don't know what else to call it.

The pattern is free and downloadable but there aren't any directions for sizing it up.  I increased the size by 300% and made it a runner instead of a square.  I used black felt for the pumpkins and polar fleece for the background.  I was too cheep to buy the wool felt for this project because I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out.  Synthetic felt was cheaper than the wool but I couldn't find a nice shade of cream hence the polar fleece.  It turned out pretty well regardless.  The white stitching was off white embroidery floss using all six strands.  

It goes really well with the "sofa" table doncha think?
See ya next time!

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