Friday, February 25, 2011


Happy Friday to you all! Welcome back to the second installment of FIF.  If you are totally lost check out LAST WEEK'S RIF HERE.
I picked up some  up some Burnt Umber and Antique White paint at Joanns and grabbed my trusty foam brush.  I got the Ceramcoat cause it was on sale.  If you have suggestions about paint let me know if there is a better choice.
This was after the first coat.  Not pretty I know but I refused to get discouraged!
After three coats, not bad.  Still a little streaky but I am covering it with the antique white so it shouldn't matter.
I only managed to get one coat of the antique white on for this post.
Except for the top which has three coats.  Big difference between the two wouldn't you say?  I can't wait to get home from work tonight and get the other coats on so I can begin the distressing.  I will show you that next week!
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see this when it's finished, what a great display shelf!
