I know this doesn't look like an Anya project on the outside but just hold on to your seahorses and take a look inside.....

When the lid is removed - POOF!
Anya is swimming with the fishes. The images are suspended on acetate strips that pop out of the box when the lid is removed. The lady from whom I got the tutorial has THE most amazing boxes. She was even comissioned to make one for the queen. Now THAT is talent. Check out her BLOG.
I got the fish in a set from TGF because I liked the frog but the little fish swam his way right into my heart.

This is what it sounds like when the doves cry....

This was supposed to be an entry in the club anya rocker contest but I didn't finish in time. Since I had it half done I thought it would be good for the blog hop. I love Prince - IMHO some of the best dance music of that era. Who among us can stop their booties from shakin to 1999?
I used the two pics as inspiration for a stair step card. Prince is rockin with Wendy as his backup. I wanted to put in Lisa too but didn't have time. Yes, that is my double helix stamp that I used for the stairs (just ignore the base pairs). I combined Ian and Anya for my man Prince and added a few jheri curls. I also made a guitar by shaping anya's to look like his (made out of shrink plastic of course).

I have to admit that this looks far worse in person than it does on the picture so you know its bad. But for all the time that went into it, I was determined to put it on the blog. Whatever you do, DO NOT click on a closeup.
I wanted a serene, water scene, and I pretty much got a mess.
Using stazon, I tried stamping mermaid anya onto a glass vase. That part worked really well and then everything went straight down hill from there. It is safe to say I will never work as a glass decorator. To top it off the very last thing I did was put a huge fingerprint right on anya's sweet little face. If you have this type of talent I think this would be a cute idea for a girl's room.

I stamped a couple of my favorite fishes around the vase to keep anya company.
HEY, I told you not to click for a closeup and you did it anyway didn't you;}!
(Hint - Nothing to do with Dress up Ian or the colors, it has to do with the chocolate inside the box).
I thought this would be a cute, personal gift for someone who is expecting. A little sumthin sumthin for the one doing all the work. If you have seen my blog you know I LOVE shrinkies so I had to do one for the blog hop. I used the SCS acetate box tutorial and the Dress up Ian/Anya set for this project.

I think those teeny little outfits are adorable.
So.....did you figure it out?
The chocolate has nuts (tee hee).
A Pink Tink
I know this isn't anya/ian but a request was made for a PINK shrink fairy and I thought it would be a good time to post her. I got the cupcake at a place called the The Sweet House Bake Shop in Mars, Pa (yes I said Mars, didn't know I lived that close to martians did you?). They have amazingly unique and scrumptious stuff. This cupcake didn't last more than a few seconds after the picture was taken mmmmmmm.

If you have hung with me through all this you deserve a prize. I have a coveted Elf Anya up for grabs. Just leave a comment tonight and I will put all the names in a hat and have one of my kids pick. Stop back tomorrow to find out if you won. I hope you enjoyed yourself and thanks bunches for bloppin by (get it? BLog hOPPIN, I crack myself up;}).
Holy Smokes! You have been one busy lady! These are AWESOME!!!!!!! Great job!!
Super cute! LOVE all your projects!!!
these absolutely gorgeous projects!
what a wonderful talent you have and a very creative mind!
Tracy x
Wow!! What a lot of great projects! That first box is simply amazing!!
The Anya Mermaid box is by far the most amazing creation! It totally cancels out the vase (even though I think it is a great idea and not a bad representation).
Oh goodness...!! Those are so much fun - and so unexpected! WTG! :D
Wow!! I don't even know what else to say! Amazing!!
You've beem busy all brilliant x
Holy Anya's Batman!!! You really Rocked the Prince card... and The mermaid suspended box, MY OH MY... I just don't even know what to say, it's TOOOOO COOL for words. And why tell us NOT to look close up on the jar? You know I HAD to do it when you said NOT TO... And honestly it's NOT BAD so don't be hard on yourself, It's an awesome idea... You've been a busy little Anya lover, and it shows =) GREAT Pieces! Love them all
Lynda xxx
SO i am bowing to the master! Seriously!!! I dont' know what else to say! That box is amazing! seriously! The colorign is gorgeous and the way they are suspendid is amazing!!! i dont' know what else to say! I am speechless! And all your other creatiosn are amazing!!!! Wow,wow!
Your creations are amazing!! I have been eyeing those fish now for a while. You just sent me over the edge!! My Mermaid Anya really needs their company!!
amazing... i am so in awe of the talent here!
WOWZA! Your projects are fascinating! I love them all, especially Prince (great minds, I actually made him for the contest!!!) and the treat box with Ian. LOVE IT!
HOLY CANNOLI! I am SPEECHLESS! These are some of the most amazing Anya creations I've ever seen! I am SO glad you got to play along, Kim! When I have mroe time I'm going to have to come back and oogle them again one by one...WOW WOW WOW you are so talented! Thanks so much for plyin!!!
Those are really cute.. really like the cupcake
Your mermaid box is jaw-dropping! I can't get over it! It is so beautifully made and how you suspended her there is outstanding. I love your stuff! I'll be back to look at every single post soon! :)
LOL! I love that Easter Bunny comic. LMAO! And you are tooo talented!!!
Wowza!! Where to start...the box is way cool and your prince one is definitely rockin'! And cupcake Anya is so super cute, love it...loved looking at all your projects and your sense of humor. :) And I'll be checking back tomorrow, thanks for the opportunity!
Wonderful creations and I LOVE the suspended mermaid box ~ absolutely stunning! That cupcake looks like it was really yummy too. Thanks for the chance to win :)
Wow!! All your projects are awesome! I love the box that opens to Mermaid Anya.
Wow! What amazing amount of projects!! They are all fantastic!
Love all your projects!! They are all very unique! That Mermaid Anya box is STUNNING!!
Oh My Oh My all those projects are wonderful how could I pick a best one??? I think it is the first one though I love that box and how it opens!!! My favorite project so far!!!
Holy Wowzers!!!
I can't decide which I love more!!!
I think I would love to have that box displayed on my shelf - so original and creative!
Awesome work :)
WOW!!! You have been busy!!! I LOVE them ALL!! Although, I must be honest! I think my FAVE is the first one!!! That box with the Mermaid Anya is Absolutely, AMAZING!!! WOnderful job!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent!!
Take care!
All your projects are fantastic, but that box is just way too much. It's awesome.
Wow. Awesome projects. I am in awe.
That is a lot of projects! Love the surprise box idea.
Just love these - down by the sea and the Price are so cool!
OH MY! My jaw hit the table! You really did a lot of work! Great great great job!!
WOW WOW Super Wow!!!
AHHHHH!!! I gotta say I {heart} the Prince stuff you made and everything else WoW!!!
Oh my gosh!! You are just the most creative person ever!! Wow were you busy! And here I just made one card! LOL
Super cool projects! Very creative and well done.
wow...the box ROCKS!! amazing ideas!!
WOW...incredible ideas. That box is just AMAZING! I'm going to check out her blog tomorrow.
I love love love love love the mermaid explosion box!!!
Holy cow! The Mermaid Anya Box is totally daBOMB! Great projects! Especially the cupcake... yummmmmm :)
Holy Smokes Batman! I love that box. You created some amazing projects. Wow!
It is hard to pick one, I LOVE THEM ALL!!!
AMAZING!!! Love the Prince card! lol
Wow these are all so impressive. I love the glass jar...hehehehe. Looks lovely to me. :)
Oh My Goodness! Your stuff is so incredibly amazing! Congrats on winning for your box! Ilove all your projects!
wow amazing creations! Love them all.
I wanted to let you know I love the mermaid box you maid. I started doing these a couple of weeks ago and have found them to be rather addictive, LOL! I think yours is fantastic! Beautiful!
Wow you have been super busy and they are all amazing well done on your win it is so well deserved I do love that box :)
X Amy X
Oh my GOSH!!!! These are out of this world. They're all so gorgeous that it's almost impossible to pick a fave...the mermaid. WOWza!!! But Prince, as a huge fan of his work. I have to say that one. AWEsomeness! :O)
ur work is amazing ;)
OMG Kim, That box is soooooo awesome!! I think I am gonna try something like that!! and I totally agree with you on Prince!!! Lovin' you stuff, and look forward to following you!!
I am blown away by your creativity and talent! These creations are outstanding! What a fabulous blog.
Okay, now that I've done a significant amount of gawking, I can move along to leaving evidence that I was here. Holy geeze, these creations are amazing. My eyes popped out of my head when I saw your Prince card, or I guess that was the NPG era, right? So to be fair, your Prince and the New Power Generation creation just knocked my socks off!! Really, really neat.
I LOVE Prince! And I can't stop smiling at your card :)
Your Anya Box is simply fantastic... love the trick with the acetate!
OMG PRINCE IS HILARIOUS!! :) you're so cute! i love everything u make!! :) that lil fish w.the mermaid in the middle is amazing!
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